Anno 2205 Wikia
Anno 2205 Wikia


The Flax Plantation is a resource gathering building found in the Temperate region. It produces Flax Fibers that is used by various production chains. The Flax Plantation is unlocked when the temperate population reaches 10,000 Executives.

Construction Information[]

Building Part Credits Materials Size
Base Building 1,500 1 Biopolymer

1 Construct-O-Bots

Flax Planters 200 3 Graphene 3x2

Prices may be reduced due to the effects of The Council.

Operating Costs and Production[]

Building Part Input Output Credits/min Workers Energy
Base Building - 5 Flax Fibers -600 -35 -50
Flax Planters - 2 Flax Fibers -120 -9.5 -10
Max Production - 13 Flax Fibers -1080 -63 -90

A maximum of 4 Flax Planters can be added.

Maintenance Modules[]

Type Effect Credits Rare Materials
Drone Hive -20% workforce 500 10 Iridium
Accumulator Unit -10% energy 500 10 Iridium
Storage Depot -2 Logistics 500 10 Iridium

A maximum of 5 maintenance modules can be added.

There are empowered maintenance modules available through The Council.


Production Flax plantation agriculture earth facility